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Aims Album

Posted by aims_academy on Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Learning Tips

Posted by aims_academy on Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Learning is one thing which is generally made compulsory in schools and institutions when the process of lesson study by students and guided by teachers. The learning process should be done in a state that is not dark-mist because the learning process is performed in a hurry to have a bad impact

Here are tips and guidelines that can assist in preparing for exams :

  1. Learning Together
  2. Hard Lessons to Make Keynote Notes
  3. Making Good Time Schedule
  4. Discipline in Learning
  5. Asking and Being Asked Active
  6. Learning With Serious and persistent
  7. Avoid to Late Night Learning
  8. Honest In Doing issue And Exams

Grand Opening

Posted by aims_academy on Sunday, June 13, 2010


Open for play group to 10th science and arts and fa,fsc,ics,

AIMS ACADEMY has been in open specifically for science education of children, open from Monday through Saturday, for parents who would enroll her daughter's son can just come into the office for application was made


Posted by aims_academy on

AIMS Academy It's different.......! Experienced, Qualified, Best, and Reliable

Having undergone a long process in shaping the character and identity, we always strive to provide the best for younger siblings of students AIMS Academy. Completion of learning program periodically to provide quality service learning through the study which focused on quality assurance and student success. Senior faculty who are professional, teaching and learning process that was familiar, impressive service and adequate facilities will be given to the satisfaction of students and parents. Given the best learning method is also peeling Reasoning Method all course materials

68 students registered

Posted by aims_academy on Saturday, June 12, 2010

Thank you for the trust the public to register her son in the Aims Academy, we hope children will become well-versed in science... :-)

Currently students who have registered as many as 68 people

Vision and Mission

Posted by aims_academy on


"Forming a generation of intelligent, morality, and has global competence"


* Consistent to the learning process based on professionalism and quality.
* Achieve superior learners, cultured and virtuous.
* Maintain a harmonious relationship, develop in harmony and balance with partners.

About Me

Posted by aims_academy on

"Aims Academy" as PIONEER Tutoring in Pakistan was established on June 12, 2010 in Gujranwala by Mr. Bilal and friends.

Guest Book

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Please for the guests who visit this site to post comments

Contact Us

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Rata Road,Sultan Pora Near ,Maki Masjid Gujranwala

03157488828 (Bilal Bhatti)
03456577719 (Azam)
03216498045 (Rezwan)



Above is Imran Park...its right? he..he